Chitimacha Tribe, LA
Home MenuTribal Courts
Mission Statement
To serve as the Judicial Branch of the Tribal Government in the preservation and enhancement of Tribal Sovereignty by providing a Judicial forum on both the Trial and Appellate levels for addressing issues over which jurisdiction is vested; afford all persons within its jurisdiction equal protection of the law; ensure them due process and additionally serve as the provider of general judicial services and legal resource for information regarding Tribal, State and Federal law.
Petition for Disbursement of Funds
- Form No. 1: Petition for Disbursement of Funds (Minor or Incompetent)
This form is to be used for filing for a disbursement of funds of a minor child under the age of 18 or for an individual that has been deemed incompetent by the Court. A parent or guardian must file for a minor. - Form No. 2: Petition for Disbursement of Funds (Underage Qualified Tribal Member with Representation)
This form is to be used for filing for a disbursement of funds for an individual over the age of 18 by their Representative. - Form No. 3: Petition for Disbursement of Funds (Underage Qualified Tribal Member – Filing on Their Own Behalf)
This form is to be used for filing for a disbursement of funds when an individual attains the age of 18 and files for a disbursement of funds on their own behalf. - Form No. 4: Petition for Disbursement of Funds (Affidavit of Substantial Hardship & Order)
This form is to be used for filing for a disbursement of funds if unable to pay the docket fee and/or service fees. - Form No. 5: Petition for Disbursement of Funds (Financial Declaration Statement)
This form is to be used for filing for a disbursement of funds when a Financial Declaration Statement is needed. - Form No. 6: Affidavit of Substantial Hardship & Order
- Form No. 7: W-9
Pending Code Revisions
Pending Code Revisions can be found by visiting our Constitution and Codes page.
Chitimacha Comprehensive Codes of Justice
Chitimacha Comprehensive Codes of Justice can be found by visiting our Constitution and Codes page.
Chitimacha Tribal Courts
343 Navarro Street
Charenton, LA 70523
337-923-7889 (Fax)
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 610
Charenton, LA 70523-0610
Jackie Darden
Clerk of Court