What is the current enrollment or number of members of the Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana?
The current enrollment is approximately 1,300.
Does the Chitimacha Tribe have a reservation?
Yes, it is located near the town of Charenton. It is off of Hwy 90 between Lafayette and New Orleans.
Can we visit the reservation and since it is a Sovereign Nation, do we need a passport to enter?
Yes, the Chitimacha Tribe welcomes visitors. Please find information on this website regarding our Museum, Cypress Bayou Casino Hotel and RV Park, which are all located on our reservation.
No, you do not need a passport. Access to tribal lands is not restricted.
Are there other Chitimacha Tribes or bands of the Chitimacha?
The Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana is the only Chitimacha Tribe; we do not recognize any other "tribe" as a band or part of the Chitimacha Nation.
What is the land base of the Tribe today?
The Tribe currently has 445 acres of land held in trust by the Federal Government/Reservation and another 500 acres of tribally owned lands.
How do I enroll in the Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana?
Please read the information provided in the enrollment portion of this site.
Do the Chitimacha Tribe have its own native language?
Yes, the Chitimacha people have their own unique language, which is an isolate, unrelated to any other language.
Are language materials developed by the Tribe available to the public?
At this time, language materials are available to enrolled Chitimacha Tribal members only.